PKO adalah minyak yang diekstraksi dari biji kelapa sawit atau inti kelapa sawit. Biji kelapa sawit ini memiliki bentuk dan ukuran yang mirip dengan kacang almond, dengan warna yang putih kekuningan.
Weekly Report
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
ICDX tin prices rose 1.20% compared to the previous week, supported by weakening in the performance of the USD currency after the meetingThe US Federal Reserve marked the end of the interest rate hike cycle and indicated the possibility of a rate cut next year.
Weekly Report
The ICDX oil contract price closed lower at $71.29 per barrel for the week ended December 8 due to China's proactive fiscal policy starting in 2025. Increased production by Russia and Libya added to oil prices this week.
Weekly Report
Wednesday, 06 December 2023
CPOTR price movements increased within a week to IDR 11,720/Kg, triggered by soaring demand from India as well as concerns about Argentina's grain trade due to a lack of soybeans due to drought and farmers holding back production.
Wednesday, 06 December 2023
Dalam perbankan syariah, wadi’ah mengacu pada penerimaan sejumlah uang atau aset untuk diamankan sesuai dengan kententuan syariah.
Akad salam adalah salah satu akad yang digunakan dalam transaksi jual beli sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. Salam merupakan akad jual beli barang pesanan dengan pengiriman yang ditangguhkan dikemudian hari oleh penjual dan pembayaran dilakukan diawal oleh pembeli ketika akad disepakati.
Weekly Report
ICDX gold prices rose 1.26% compared to the previous week with market focus on Federal Open Market Committee Minutes Meeting and US Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) data. Stemming from the geopolitical turmoil of the Middle East, the first Israeli-Hamas ceasefire deal since seven weeks of fighting allowed for the exchange of hostages and prisoners.
Weekly Report
ICDX tin prices rose 2.47% compared to the previous week, supported by positive industrial data sentiment from China.Data from China's National Bureau of Statistics shows that in October, the added value of industries above the specified size actually increased by 4.6% year-on-year. From a month-on-month perspective, in October, the added value of industries above the specified size increased by 0.39%. From January to October, industrial value added above specified measures increased by 4.1% compared to last year.
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