Seiring dengan demam aset kripto seperti Bitcoin dan Ethereum, bank-bank sentral dunia juga turut mempercepat rilisnya mata uang digital dari bank sentral (Central Bank Digital Currency/CBDC).
Weekly Report
The COFR crude oil contract again recorded a weekly substantial appreciation of 3.96% from the level of Rp 918,300 per barrel to the level of Rp 954,700 per barrel. Oil's slow but steady rally has taken advantage of a combination of mixed catalysts ranging from good demand expectations and a bit of news on trade politics from China – although still overshadowed by market caution ahead of next week's OPEC+ meeting and global pandemic conditions.
Weekly Report
CPOTR crude palm oil price at ICDX has closed last week trading session with a correction of 3.40% from the level of 16,035 at previous week's close (14/05) to the level of 15,490 at last week (21/05). The main pressure can be traced from a combination of profit-taking in the market regarding peak price conditions, the concerns of Covid-19 in various Asian countries, which in parallel also triggered a collapse in global crude oil prices.
Weekly Report
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
ICDX's tin price at the close of the week (7/4) was recorded at the level of $ 34,405 per ton or breaking an all-time high, where the previous highest world tin price occurred in April 2011 at the level of $ 33,255 per ton. The positive trend of tin price movements was triggered by the threat of a shortage of tin supply amid rising demand in line with the recovery in global industrial and manufacturing conditions.
Blockchain dan cryptocurrency tengah menjadi sorotan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Konsep blockchain sendiri pertama kali mencuat bersama dengan kemunculan mata uang digital Bitcoin di tahun 2008.
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
FOMO dapat diartikan sebagai kekhawatiran bahwa satu hal yang menarik akan terjadi. Lebih tepatnya, FOMO merupakan suatu keadaan psikologis dimana individu yang mengalaminya memiliki ketakutan bahwa ia akan melewatkan suatu hal yang menarik.
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
Setiap tahunnya, Ramadan menjadi bulan suci yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh umat Muslim di seluruh dunia, dengan puncaknya di Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Sebagai negara dengan penduduk Muslim paling banyak di dunia menurut World Population Review – dengan 273 juta jiwa umat Muslim atau 87.2% dari populasi – Indonesia memiliki tradisi dan keunikan sendiri di bulan Ramadhan.
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
Volatilitas emas hitam atau minyak mentah melonjak di bulan April kemarin. Tak tanggung-tanggung, harga minyak mentah dunia anjlok tajam hingga mencapai level terendahnya sepanjang sejarah di awal kuartal kedua 2020.
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