Weekly Report
The COFR crude oil contract closed last week's fluctuations with a slight increase of 0.83% to Rp 1,045,600 per barrel. The narrow movement of crude oil last week occurred on the back of a tug of war of positive and negative sentiment absorbed by the market which is very sensitive to the stability of global oil supply and demand levels.
Carbon News & Insights
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Karbon merupakan unsur kimia yang mempunyai simbol C dan nomor atom 6 pada tabel periodik. Unsur ini termasuk dalam golongan non-logam dan memiliki valensi 4, yang berarti ada 4 elektron yang membentuk ikatan kovalen.
Carbon News & Insights
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Sebelum masuk membahas lebih dalam, perlu diluruskan terlebih dahulu bahwa karbon yang dimaksud disini bukanlah karbon yang dihasilkan dari arang yang biasa dijadikan sebagai bahan bakar, akan tetapi karbon dari gas polusi yang dapat menyebabkan pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim. Keadaan dunia saat ini cukup mengerikan dengan cuaca ekstrem dan bencana alam sudah menjadi hal yang umum akibat pemanasan global. Sesungguhnya, hal ini merupakan dampak dari kegiatan manusia dan kita harus bertanggung jawab, salah satunya dengan mengambil tindakan atas pelepasan gas rumah kaca (GRK) ke atmosfer.
Friday, 13 August 2021
While the transition to renewable energy continues to grow, environmentally damaging activities grow faster. Governments and private companies across the globe has committed to a net-zero emission goal by 2050, but as the urgency increases, we need a more efficient global solution.
Monthly Report
Friday, 13 August 2021
Here is our monthly recap on GOFX transactions and the global market sentiment for July 2021.
Weekly Report
The price of tin traded on ICDX was observed to show a bullish trend throughout 2021, where the price of tin which was around $21,000 at the beginning of the year continued to climb up to penetrate the level above $35,000 at the close of the 1st semester of 2021. In terms of volume, tin exports carried out through ICDX also show positive performance. The total export volume in the first semester of this year reached 12,866.93 metric tons, an increase of 202 percent compared to the second semester of last year.
Normally, people would go out to earn some money, but now they just need to stay at home. Digital assets such as crypto did not escape the investors' eyes while being isolated at home.
Weekly Report
The COFR crude oil contract closed last week's fluctuations with a slight increase of 0.83% to Rp 1,045,600 per barrel. The narrow movement of crude oil last week occurred on the back of a tug of war of positive and negative sentiment absorbed by the market which is very sensitive to the stability of global oil supply and demand levels.
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