Weekly Report
Wednesday, 18 October 2023
The ICDX oil contract closed higher at $87.73 a barrel for the week ended Oct 13 due to conflict tensions in the Middle East and higher demand forecasts based on OPEC's global oil outlook.
Weekly Report
Market Review The CPOTR price movement decreased within a week to the level of Rp. 10,765/Kg, this was still triggered by extreme hot weather which made the market worried about major impact of El Nino weather conditions on global vegetable oil supplies. Previously market players saidPalm oil production has increased significantly this year, and is expected to continue to increase in the next nine to 12 months, before the potential for a strong El Nino begins to affect current production.El Nino is a warming of Pacific waters that usually causes drier conditions in Asia, limiting the yield of some crops such as palm oil, rice and wheat.The threat of El Nino could cause drought in palm oil plants in Southeast Asia, thereby potentially producing palm oil in Southeast Asia.
Weekly Report
ICDX gold prices corrected 3.49% compared to the previous week, overshadowed by the prospect of tighter US central bank monetary policy supported by inflation data and trade data which is still strong. Several Fed officials expressed support for the narrative of higher interest rates for longer.
Wednesday, 04 October 2023
Bursa berjangka adalah badan usaha yang menyediakan sistem atau sarana untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli komoditi atau instrumen keuangan berdasarkan kontrak berjangka yang penyerahan barangnya disepakati akan dilakukan pada saat yang akan datang. Bursa komoditi yang ada di Indonesia menyelenggarakan perdagangan komoditi secara multilateral dan terorganisasi di dalam bursa.
Weekly Report
ICDX tin price movements experienced a decline of 3.21% in a week to level 26,560 which was influenced by market concerns following the Fed's decision to keep interest rates unchanged. The US Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged on Thursday (21/09) , but tightened the monetary policy stance hawkish with a projected further increase in interest rates at the end of this year, which could hamper the pace of economic growth and demand for Tin. Apart from that, it is also feared that the Fed's stance to maintain its interest rate policy unchanged will be followed by other central banks. Meanwhile, China on Wednesday vowed to speed up the implementation of more policies to consolidate its economic recovery, state media CCTV quoted on Wednesday as saying (20/09), citing a cabinet meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang, after the economy showed signs of temporary stabilization.
Weekly Report
Thursday, 21 September 2023
ICDX oil contract prices closed higher at $91.22 per barrel for the week ended September 15 on expectations of an extension of global supply cuts amid rising demand.
Carbon News & Insights
Monday, 18 September 2023
Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) have become increasingly popular in recent years as the demand for clean and sustainable energy sources continues to grow. REC is a market-based instrument that represents the property rights to the environmental, social, and other non-power attributes of renewable electricity generation. When one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity is generated and delivered to the electricity grid from a renewable energy resource, a REC is issued to certify the ownership of that renewable energy.
Weekly Report
CPOTR price movements increased within a week to IDR 13,397/Kg, triggered by concerns about global supply disruption due to the threat of El Nino in the Southeast Asia region.
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