Weekly Report
Wednesday, 26 July 2023
The price of ICDX oil contract closed higher at $76.89 per barrel for the week ending July 21, amidst various market sentiments providing support for prices, including unexpected supply disruptions in Libya and Nigeria In the middle long-term production cuts being made by OPEC and Saudi Arabia, and declines in US crude oil stocks reported by the Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Ekonomi syariah menawarkan pendekatan yang unik dan etis untuk kegiatan ekonomi yang berpedoman pada prinsip ajaran Islam. Penekanannya pada keadilan ekonomi, perilaku etis, dan solidaritas sosial berkontribusi pada sistem ekonomi yang lebih inklusif dan berkelanjutan. Dengan memahami prinsip dan manfaat ekonomi syariah, individu dan bisnis dapat membuat keputusan berdasarkan informasi yang selaras dengan nilai-nilai mereka dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara keseluruhan.
Weekly Report
The CPOTR price movement increased in a week to the level of IDR 11,900/Kg driven by the 35% biodiesel (B35) blending program policy for diesel/diesel fuel which will apply nationally, Malaysia's declining CPO production and the bullish trend in Soybean oil market that makes CPO prices rise.
Friday, 14 July 2023
Ijarah adalah pemindahan hak guna (manfaat) atas suatu barang dalam jangka waktu tertentu dengan pembayaran sewa (ujrah), tanpa diikuti dengan pemindahan kepemilikan barang itu sendiri.
Musyarakah merupakan pembiayaan berdasarkan akad kerjasama antara dua pihak atau lebih untuk suatu usaha tertentu, di mana masing-masing pihak memberikan kontribusi Dana dengan ketentuan bahwa keuntungan dan risiko akan ditanggung bersama sesuai dengan kesepakatan para pihak.
Weekly Report
ICDX gold price ticks higher by 0.17% compared to the previous week, pushed by weaker US economic data and increasing US-China trade war tensions. US inflation data is still in focus.
Weekly Report
The price of the ICDX oil contract closed lower at $70.00 per barrel for the week ended May 26, amidst sentiment circulating in the market putting pressure on prices, such as China's declining economic data, cuts in China's GDP projections by several large banks, to cut plans The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and allies including Russia this month agreed on a new oil production deal and the group's biggest producer Saudi Arabia also pledged to cut production in July.
Weekly Report
The ICDX tin price movement strengthened by 0.35% in a week to a level of 28,520 influenced by Wa State, Myanmar released a comprehensive implementation plan for the suspension of mining activities.
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