Weekly Report
The ICDX gold price strengthened by 0.62% compared to the previous week with the driving factor of the dollar index which weakened by -0.55% following the release of various US economic data amid expectations of a slowdown in The Fed's interest rate hike.
Friday, 20 January 2023
Bank syariah merupakan bank yang sistem operasionalnya sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. Sama seperti bank konvensional pada umumnya, perbankan syariah memiliki peran sebagai lembaga intermediasi, yaitu menghimpun dan menyalurkan dana masyarakat. Dalam perbankan syariah, terdapat berbagai istilah transaksi yang disebut sebagai akad.
Weekly Report
The ICDX tin price strengthened by 2.39% approaching the January close supported by the depreciating dollar and China's policy support to reopen borders and Covid-19 restrictions.
Weekly Report
Friday, 13 January 2023
Starting the year of 2023, the price of the ICDX crude oil contract was observed to have weakened by 8.45% to a price level below $80 per barrel. China's decision to lift Covid restrictions in full on January 8, was met with opposition from various countries such as the European Union (EU), the US, France, Italy, Qatar, Japan and South Korea, by requiring pre-departure Covid tests for tourists from China. This sparked concern that it would impact travel activities from China to other countries.
Syariah berasal dari kata syara’a yang bisa berarti nahaja (menempuh), awdhaha (menjelaskan) dan bayyan-al masalik (menunjukkan jalan), atau juga bisa disebut mazhab dan thariqah mustaqim/jalan yang lurus. Secara harfiah syariah merupakan 'jalan menuju tempat pengairan' atau 'jalan lurus yang harus diikuti'.
Weekly Report
Price movements of CPOTR increased by 8.09% in a week to the level of IDR 14,295/Kg. The driving sentiment is partly due to hopes of recovering Chinese demand due to the opening of regions and the B35 Biodiesel program.
Wednesday, 04 January 2023
Di dalam industri perbankan, baik perbankan syariah maupun bank konvensional keduanya memiliki peran yang sama sebagai lembaga intermediasi, yaitu menghimpun dan menyalurkan dana masyarakat. Namun, terdapat perbedaan pada kedua lembaga tersebut. Apa saja perbedaan bank syariah dan bank konvensional?
Weekly Report
ICDX gold price strengthened by 0.59% compared to the previous week supported by the depreciation of the dollar index following various United States (US) economic data released which were pessimistic.
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