Weekly Report
ICDX CPOTR price rose 1.90% in the past week, the price increase due to a number of global and domestic issues moved CPO prices to reach the range of IDR 22,/Kg. From the domestic side, the Indonesian government announced to abolish the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) policy. This regulation requires CPO producers to sell 30% of the total production for resale to the country. The effect of the abolition of this regulation makes exports of CPO positive and prices increase.
Weekly Report
ICDX gold price moved 0.03% lower than the previous week with gold prices moving down due to the effect of profit taking on the Fed's decision which was in line with market participants' estimates, namely increasing interest rates by 25 basis points and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Weekly Report
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
The ICDX tin price at the close of the second week of March closed higher more than 6% on a weekly basis. The tight supply from producing countries, coupled with the increasing costs of transportation, especially through or to Europe, triggered by the Ukraine conflict, became positive catalysts that pushed tin prices to continue their bullish rally.
Weekly Report
The price of crude oil at the close of the first week of March 2022 showed a quite drastic spike, rising by more than 20% to $115 per barrel compared to the price at the beginning of the week. The increase also pushed up the price of crude oil derivative products such as heating oil (25.32%) and gasoline (26.71%).
Weekly Report
The ICDX CPOTR rose to 12.2% on the past week, as several headline globally and domestically drove the CPO prices to around 23.000 IDR per kg. From domestic, the Domestic Market Obligation still became the main focused, as it slowed down down supply to global markets. With the policy, Indonesia exporter must supply local market around 20% before they may exported the other 80%.
Weekly Report
Gold prices moved 1.86% higher than previous week, with prices moved to $1900 sector in the first time since last June. The main sentiment came from heightened tension between Russia and Ukraine, especially after Biden warned that there are indication that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine.
Weekly Report
Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Until the close of the second week of February, the price of tin was observed to be continuing its bullish trend, supported by tight supply and increasing demand from the global market after the recovery in global economic activity indicated by the lifting of lockdowns in various countries. The average price of ICDX tin in February reached a level above $43,000 per metric ton, an increase of almost 4% compared to the average price throughout January.
Weekly Report
Tuesday, 08 February 2022
Crude oil still showed a positive performance at the close of the first week of February, where prices jumped more than 5 percent, breaking through levels above $90 per barrel. The positive trend of crude oil price movements is supported by a number of catalysts that affect the demand and supply sides.
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