Weekly Report
The price of the ICDX oil contract closed lower at $70.00 per barrel for the week ended May 26, amidst sentiment circulating in the market putting pressure on prices, such as China's declining economic data, cuts in China's GDP projections by several large banks, to cut plans The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and allies including Russia this month agreed on a new oil production deal and the group's biggest producer Saudi Arabia also pledged to cut production in July.
Weekly Report
The ICDX tin price movement strengthened by 0.35% in a week to a level of 28,520 influenced by Wa State, Myanmar released a comprehensive implementation plan for the suspension of mining activities.
Mudharabah merupakan akad kerjasama atas suatu usaha antara dua pihak, pemilik modal dan pengelola Dana. Pemilik modal atau shahib al-mal bertindak sebagai penyedia Dana, sedangkan pengelola Dana atau mudharib bertindak untuk mengelola Dana milik pemodal. Sementara itu, keuntungan dibagi sesuai dengan porsi modal dan nisbah yang telah disepakati dalam akad atau kontrak.
Weekly Report
CPOTR price movement increased by 10.68% in a week to a level of IDR 11,300/kg due to rising prices of soybean oil and crude oil, which also strengthened CPO prices.
Minyak kelapa sawit atau yang dikenal juga dengan Crude Palm Oil (CPO) banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku produk seperti sabun, biodiesel, mentega, minyak goreng, dan berbagai produk lainya.
Weekly Report
Wednesday, 14 June 2023
ICDX gold price was hit by -0.03% compared to the previous week influenced by US employment resilience data enabling policy interest rates to remain high. Market caution awaits the results of the Fed meeting scheduled for June 13-14 regarding the sustainability of interest rate policy.
Weekly Report
Friday, 09 June 2023
ICDX tin price movement weakened by 0.59% in a week to a level of 26,950 influenced by the Fed's hawkish statement which made the US dollar index strengthen.
Weekly Report
The price of the ICDX oil contract closed lower at $72.13 a barrel for the week ended May 26, amid concerns over talks of the US debt ceiling and the possibility of further hikes in US interest rates.
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