Al-kafalah menurut bahasa berarti al-Dhaman (jaminan), hamalah (beban), dan za’amah (tanggungan). Secara istilah, Kafalah adalah menambahkan kewajiban pada suatu kewajiban lainnya sehubungan dengan permintaan untuk suatu hal.
Weekly Report
ICDX tin prices rose 3.02% compared to the previous week accompanied by a surge in demand in China's main markets amidst improving economic activity in Tiongkok.
Weekly Report
Thursday, 07 March 2024
Throughout the week ending March 1, the price trend of crude oil contracts traded on ICDX showed a bullish rally and closed higher by almost 3 percent. The sentiment that is driving oil prices to move positively includes uncertainty over ceasefire talks in Gaza, tensions in the Red Sea that have not subsided, and coupled with strong signals from OPEC+ ahead of a meeting in early March to extend production cuts.
Menurut istilah, hiwalah diartikan salah satu transaksi yang ada dalam ekonomi syariah.
Weekly Report
The CPOTR price movements increased within a week to IDR 12,500/Kg, triggered by a decrease in Malaysian palm oil supplies and expectations of increasing CPO demand for the use of sustainable biofuels.
Weekly Report
The decline in ICDX gold prices to $2,017.75 per Troy Ounce compared to the previous week was influenced by hotter-than-expected US inflation data, along with disappointing US Retail Sales data for January. These factors led market participants to lower their expectations for an early Federal Reserve interest rate cut.
Wakalah berasal dari kata wakala yang memiliki beberapa arti, seperti melakukan tugas atas nama orang lain, dan pendelegasian pekerjaan ke orang lain. Kemudian menurut Istilah, wakalah mengacu pada otorisasi orang lain untuk melakukan transaksi atau pekerjaan apapun atas nama seseorang.
Istishna merupakan sebuah perjanjian kontrak dengan produsen untuk memproduksi suatu barang tertentu dengan deskripsi khusus dengan harga tertentu, dan diproduksi dari bahan dan usaha produsen.
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